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IMPACT at NATO Headquarters in Belgium

Nineteen member nations are a part of the NATO alliance, headquartered in Brussels, Belgium

In mid-March we arrived at Brussels, Belgium where I had the incredible privilege of being the speaker at the NATO Prayer Breakfast. It’s hard to describe what I felt after going through multiple security checks at NATO Headquarters to join a gathering of leaders from the 19 member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

After being introduced, I spoke clearly and candidly about the need for Christ—and the true freedom and security that knowing Jesus brings. I’m excited to report to you that Father moved in a very real way. I could see in the faces of these leaders from different countries clear indications that the Holy Spirit was speaking directly to their hearts. I had the opportunity to pray (privately as well as corporately) for these men and women—ambassadors, military liaisons and planners, members of the diplomatic corps—and see Father touch them deeply. As a result of what the Holy Spirit was doing, I also met individually with several leaders for private counseling and personal ministry.

Marilyn also spoke at NATO to a gathering of NATO wives. I wish you could have seen her as she shared her heart with them, encouraging them in their faith. We also had an opportunity to conduct a morning-long marriage mini-retreat at the NATO chapel on Saturday.

Father continued to move when I spoke during the Sunday morning NATO chapel service. I concluded the message with an invitation for believers to pursue the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Nearly 40 per cent of the congregation responded for prayer for the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Our ministry in Brussels concluded with a time of prayer, sharing, and personal ministry at a small group gathering in the home of one of the NATO diplomats.

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